Environmental, Social and Governance

Environmental, Social and Governance

We are partnering with our clients to deliver more sustainable, inclusive and future focused talent.

Galvanized by the focus around COP26, 2021 witnessed an unprecedented level of commitment to sustainability initiatives by countries, companies, and investors. All outlined plans to decarbonise economies and prioritise a more considered approach to protecting our natural world, that would ultimately see us live more sustainably within the confines of our planet. Being greener isn’t just popular, companies committed to effective ESG practices are not just feeling better they are realising real commercial success as a result.

Organisations with strong Environmental, Social and Governance propositions are experiencing visible value creation as customers and the wider community look to work with more sustainably focused organisations. The magnitude of ESG orientated investment growth demonstrates how critical investing in more sustainable business practices is. These plans and commitments, however commendable, need a talented and committed team to turn them into action.

We are here to help our clients to find the best possible talent to deliver their ESG commitments:

  • Environmental – energy, waste and resource utilisation.

  • Social – reputation you foster with people and communities and your commitment to diversity and inclusion.

  • Governance - the internal system of practices, controls, and procedures.